It was a warm, sunny day down the street from the famous Eagle and Child pub on St. Giles. (Wow, what a great start for a story.) Nonetheless, it was a warm sunny day when we came a cross this beautiful scene in Oxford ---- sunlight, shadows, a tree in wonderful autumn color. This is an 11 X 14 oil on linen. This one was finished rather quickly and the food at the Eagle and Child was quite good as I recall.
what a beautiful inviting painting... really cool
Thanks very much, Sylvia!
nice one slim,my eye loves to go down that road seeing lots of interesting dtails,those trees are so well done.
used to live in oxford,such a beautiful place but very,very busy!
Thanks, Rob --- one of theses days (or years) I hope to visit Wales. Judging by your paintings Wales is really beautiful. Steve
I am getting confused!!This is painting or camera work???Thats really wonderful work.keep it going..
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